Staff Submission Form! EV Staff - If you have not set up a profile yet and would like to, this form is here for you to directly fill out your own profile information! Right now our questions mainly focus on what classes staff teach, what their classes are about, and what advice they'd give to students. Not all questions are mandatory, but the more you can fill out the better!
After filling this form, we will input the information you put into our database, and notify you through email when your profile has been created. If you already have a profile and would like it to be edited, please email us directly at .
For non-teaching staff, we are still developing a second dataset that will contain a separate set of questions, but it will be out soon! Thank you so much for all of your help and support!
Teacher Bio Give a 1-2 sentence introduction to yourself!
Profile Questions What is your favorite song or quote?
Resources/Links (can be your syllabus, YouTube, personal website, clubs/activities to promote, or anything fun you'd like to include!)
What do your classes cover?
How should students prepare to take your class? What should they know beforehand?
What is something you would like students to know (can be about you, resources on campus, about high school in general, etc.)
Are you involved in any activities on campus?
What kind of teacher do you consider yourself to be? (What values or principles do you have as a teacher?)
What advice would you give to incoming students?
What are some big projects or things you learn in your class?
Thank you so much for participating! Your contribution to our community is deeply valued! :-)