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- Managing Mental Health Through College Application Season
Post written by 12th grade student Sophia Zhang. As deadlines for college applications and semester finals loom before us, the stress level of many Cougars have been spiking these past few weeks. It’s understandable, especially with college admissions only getting more competitive year after year and EVHS having a school culture that values academics and “the grind,” (at least from what I’ve personally experienced!). I’m working on college applications myself right now, and have definitely fallen victim to terrible LinkedIn spirals, felt lots of anxiousness, and intense self loathing after comparing myself to others. In sharing this post, I hope others can understand that this stress isn’t something we alone go through. It’s incredibly normal (which is also deeply unfortunate). And especially when it feels like your college results (or for underclassmen, your grades and hence college results) can determine the entire trajectory of the rest of your life (even though it's not true!), the stress and fear isn’t something easy to manage. That said, it’s still important to remember that our college decisions won’t ever determine how valuable you are. We are all more than our GPAs, test scores, extracurriculars, and essays. We are all human beings and deserve respect and love. And most importantly, we deserve to respect and love ourselves. I’m still definitely working on this myself. And in the process, I’ve tried my fair share of mindfulness suggestions/tips. Some have worked better than others, and here are some of my favorites: SLEEP. It’s scientifically proven that cortisol, the stress hormone, increases when you don’t get enough sleep. And I really have found that I tend to be my most strung--always tired, brain fog, headaches, just hating my life--when consecutively getting 4-6 hours. KNOW WHEN SOMETHING IS A HELPFUL RESOURCE AND WHEN SOMETHING IS JUST HURTING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH. Don’t get me wrong, platforms like College Confidential and r/A2C can be really helpful for some. However, if you’re like me, and have found yourself doom scrolling posts/videos about college decisions or stats, don’t be afraid to block them. Notable examples I’ve personally found toxic include: Reddit forums (r/A2C, r/chanceme, & r/collegeresults), college decision reaction videos, creators like Limmy & Ivy League Roadmap, and of course, the aforementioned LinkedIn. QUICK STRESS RELIEF ACTION ITEMS: Talk to an EVHS or CSD counselor / Go for a walk and be in nature if you can. Literally touch grass, I swear it helps. / Make a list of 3 things you’re grateful for / Eat ice cream / Do something nice for someone else. Hold the door open for some stranger entering the TLC. Do the dishes before your parents ask / Read a book about mindfulness. Read any book or manga or anything. / Do a workout / Try meditating for 10 minutes. / Take a night walk and look at the moon / Have a dance party in your room / Sit still for three minutes / Listen to angry music. I recommend GUTS / Bash pillows / Do yoga (lots of youtube videos) / Rant to friends. / Hang out with friends and DON'T talk about college / Listen to 1989 TV / Take a cold shower / Take a nap / Bake something. Eat something. / Drink a glass of COLD water / Make your bed and tidy your room / Cry if you need to.